Critical Education for Integral Development:
Promote spaces for participation and free expression among children, youth, women and men and vulnerable groups in decision -making as an exercise for practicing rights and obligations as Guatemalan citizens.
Strengthening the Guatemalan Children and Youth Parliament, consultancy group for all youth policies, from the four official cultures in Guatemala that promote and demand national and international instruments in favor of youth and local, regional and national levels decision-making.
Strengthening and empowering youth groups and vulnerable populations that include the Indigenous Mayan populations, Garifuna, and Xincas, youth affected by HIVAIDS, and migrant youth, using the Mediating Pedagogy for forming leaders that plan, implement, monitor and evaluate strategic actions within the constitution as subjects with rights.
Sensitizing Indigenous communities regarding the actual situation of HIV/AIDS and protection of abuses among children, youth, women and men and youth pregnancies in the rural communities in the Western Highland.
Promoting Protection of Adolescents and youth who Migrate to the United States and are returned back to Guatemala, facing rape, sex negotiation with those adults taking them to the U.S.
Developing Public Policies as Proposals for Change: Decentralized Children and Youth Protection and Rights Public Policy; Decentralized HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Public Policy; and Decentralized Public Policy for violence prevention to address some of the underlying causes of violence and migration through inter-institutional commissions.